Eventi Ecm 2016
HCV: dalle esperienze ascoltate allo "as treated": e adesso?
The aim of the first two days of the course is to provide participants with conceptual frames to understand the role and the potential of Healthcare Ethics Committees (HECs), and to offer practical tools to effectively perform their three main functions: (1) ethics consultation on clinical cases; (2) institutional guidelines’ development; (3) bioethics education.
The third day will be specifically devoted to Clinical Ethics Consultation (CEC). In particular, the discussion will focus on the different ways to perform CEC, the theoretical presuppositions of such activity, the way to evaluate it and the education needed by clinical ethics consultants.
As to the methods, the course will combine lectures, debates and group works. All course activities and materials will be in English.
For Italian participants attending the course will give ECM credits.
EVENTO ECM: Id 158303 - Crediti assegnati 20,7
Healthcare Ethics Committees and Clinical Ethics Consultation
The aim of the first two days of the course is to provide participants with conceptual frames to understand the role and the potential of Healthcare Ethics Committees (HECs), and to offer practical tools to effectively perform their three main functions: (1) ethics consultation on clinical cases; (2) institutional guidelines’ development; (3) bioethics education.
The third day will be specifically devoted to Clinical Ethics Consultation (CEC). In particular, the discussion will focus on the different ways to perform CEC, the theoretical presuppositions of such activity, the way to evaluate it and the education needed by clinical ethics consultants.
As to the methods, the course will combine lectures, debates and group works. All course activities and materials will be in English.
For Italian participants attending the course will give ECM credits.
EVENTO ECM: Id 158303 - Crediti assegnati 20,7
Tutte le informazioni relative all'evento sono qui:
HCV: dalle esperienze ascoltate allo "as treated" - Edizione 2016
Tutte le informazioni relative all'evento sono qui:
L’etica nella formazione infermieristica
Tutte le informazioni relative all'evento sono qui:
DMM Scientific Meeting 2016
To present and discuss the DMM areas of investigation in the context of biomedical and translational research programmes that are currently among the most attractive subjects of inter-national research calls.
To debate scientific results and achievements with renowned scientists invited to be part of an external peer-review panel of DMM research activities.
To disseminate and implement knowledge in relevant areas of the Molecular Medicine and Applied Medical Sciences cre-ating a forum for discussion involving young and senior scien-tists, professionals and officers active in the fields of Molecu-lar and Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Developmental Biology and Morphological Sciences, Microbiology and Infectious Dis-eases, Clinical Medicine and Public Health.
Giorgio Palù
Riccardo Manganelli
Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Padua.
CAVeAT 5° compleanno della Coorte Veneta per HIV: strategia terapeutiche
Tutte le informazioni relative all'evento sono qui: